Saturday, September 27, 2008

Goodbye PhosFour...hello!

Since there's currently only one tentmaker left at EBCT, I won't be posting updates on this "PhosFour" blog anymore. If you want to get updates, please go to

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Misprints and Miscellany

Hello! Embedded above is a dramatization of me reading my NASB MacArthur Study Bible, saying "NO!," crossing out some of the text, and replacing it with other text. Don't worry, I didn't cross out any of God's words, just a misprinted outline in the introduction to Malachi. It seems that the editors of the NASB JMac Study Bible accidentally put the outline of Micah in the book introduction to Malachi (an understandable error, since the names of both prophets start with the same letter).

If you have a NASB MacArthur Study Bible, please cross out the Malachi outline and find someone with a NKJV MacArthur Study Bible (which has the real outline of Malachi) or something and write it in.


Bryan served the praise team (and a bunch of people who hopped on the bandwagon at the last minute just to check it out) by teaching a Worship Bible Study. Here some some pictures:


^ In Chinese we call this "suai ge" (handsome brother)


Well, after that Bryan officially stopped making tents and packed his bags for Korea in order to spend some time hanging out with his relatives and to wrestle. (I'm not speaking figuratively, he literally is taking Jiu-Jitsu lessons in Korea and I'm pretty sure he's going to submit us all when he comes back to Taiwan in July for a bit before going back to the states.)

Here's how he felt about having to leave EBCT. I've never seen him this emotional before in my life, but who can blame him? Not even Bryan Kim could resist rubbing off some of my emotionality after being my roommate for a year. He actually said during the prayer meeting before he left that he might be "lonely" while he was in Korea for a few weeks. Lonely?! Hahaha! (Sorry if you don't get this--I'm known as someone who's pretty "emo" and Bryan, well, he's like the opposite of me). Thanks for the year of service Bryan, and as I've told you before, for being a balance for me this year and helping me to not be paralyzed by emotions or to overanalyze things that don't need to be, but to preach to myself the way you have done to me many times.


Along with Bryan, Greg also decided to leave EBCT for a few weeks. He's actually in America now. Before he left, he managed to treat the three guy tentmakers out to a fancy Japanese restaurant. Thanks Greg!


Finally, I recently stumbled upon this cool thing I can do on my laptop. I can just rotate the screen, then turn my computer sideways and read lots of stuff without having to scroll down. If you have a widescreen laptop you might want to try this out, too.



- Matt

...Why so serious?


Monday, June 2, 2008

The summer missions team is here and we are nearing the end of our stay.

The team is here.

English camp: June 2nd to June 27th.
Intense English camp (full day?) may commence on June 30th for a week.

The team will most likely be using the first floor for English camp on Monday since the room in the basement is reserved for another group. Pray not only for the team and their gospel friends but EBCT as well, that they would take opportunities to work alongside the team. Many at EBCT were already regularly going out to campus to share and others were going as much as their work schedules would allow. Pray for joy and desire to make God known.

Bryan is finishing making tents and leaving in 3 days (Thursday) for Korea. Please pray for his safe flight there along with his relationships with his relatives.

Matt is in the final stages of making his decision of whether or not to stay in Taiwan. Pray for his decision making.

As for me, I'll only be in Taiwan for less than 2 more months. Pray for me to continue learning how to give and be faithful.

Jack is most likely leaving for the military soon (in a little over 2 weeks). He will be training far away like Kevin. Pray for the Lord to grow him even during this time away from the body. Pray that he would continually trust in and find his joy in the Lord.

For our farewell party, EBCT took us to an all you can eat bbq place!

This is Paul. It was his idea to take us here. He is the handy-man at EBCT. Seeing not only his joy in physical labor but seeing his diligence in studying for ET and English from the "50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die," and even the lyrics of the songs in the 305 EP is super encouraging. Praise the Lord for this brother! Please pray for him to continue growing in faith.

Jeff and Linda!

Two brothers zealously helping each other to more meat.

Dina and Yisan

Nate and Leo

YaRu (Janin's student who recently started coming to EBCT), Dino, and !Estella!

Natalie and Kelly

Making fun of Bryan

An almost disturbing impression of a monkey and Jojo

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Some Pictures from Dinner at Julie's House

Last week our dear friend Julie (a missionary with the Southern Baptists who attends our churh) invited EBCT to her apartment to have some dinner.  She'll be leaving in a bit to serve in a different part of Taiwan, so this was a good opportunity for us to share some good fellowship with her before she has to depart.


On the way to Julie's house...let's get ready to eat some fierce food!



Here's a glimpse of some of the food that was served, which included pulled pork sandwiches along with some vegetables (like the broccoli pictured below).  You can tell that we were really excited about devouring the delectable meal.



Here's a relatively blurry picture of everyone gathered around the food in anxious anticipation.  Julie's the lovely lady in the green shirt and blue shorts.



After we pigged out on the pulled pork, we hung out and enjoyed each others' company.



Finally, we took a grand group photo. 



And that's that!



Here's a bonus picture, to illustrate what Bryan said in the last post about LONG TABLES.  May God cause the length of our monthly Lord's tables to increase as he adds more and more of those whom He saves to our church!
